Amara Enterprise, LLCSeamless Integration of Technology and Resources...

Transition Management

  • The most frequently cited barrier to the success of a project is winning over the hearts and minds of stakeholders at all levels.  The Amara Transition Management Team customizes roadmaps that take specific measures to convince, motivate and involve stakeholders directly and indirectly impacted by a transformation.  The Transition Roadmap is aligned with the three-phase process stakeholders go through as they come to terms with the details of a new direction or situation brought on by a transformation or changes in culture, norms or values.
    The Amara Transition Team takes a holistic approach when managing projects.  In addition to managing the project lifecycle, the Amara Transition Team:

    • Manages the stakeholder endorsement process
    • Minimizes resistance and opposition
    • Gives control, understanding, support and a clear sense of priorities
    • Customizes flexible processes as interim solutions to combat deficiencies
    • Conducts periodic assessments to make improvements in the methods and resources used to enhance the process and stakeholder experience
    • Monitors strategies to consistently adopt those most beneficial to the organization and stakeholders
    • Encourages innovation, experimentation and opportunities to improve performance

    The Amara Transition Team understands and capitalizes on the distinction between starting and beginning. The Team focuses on the reorientation and redefinition of the organization and its stakeholders to ensure our clients are ready and equipped to embrace transformations and changes in culture, norms and values. Whatever your reason for initiating a project, whether it’s to achieve strategic goals, realize a business opportunity, adhere to a new regulation, create efficiencies, improve processes or take advantage of new technology; Amara Enterprise, LLC welcomes the opportunity to provide your organization Information Technology services and support.